Thursday, September 18, 2008

Great Religious Moment

Tuesday morning I am reading the Book of Mormon to the girls before school. We were reading in 1st Nephi about Heavenly Father commanding Nephi to make more plates when they got to the New World. Nephi says he doesn't know why he has been commanded to do this but he does it because this is what the Lord commanded.

When I am done reading Olivia says: "Yeah, that's like when you ask us to make our beds. We don't know why we have to do it, we just do it because you say so."

Who says little kids don't understand the scriptures??!!


Anonymous said...

That is one of my favorites. I call it " The because I said so scripture. I used it in YW alot and at home.

samantha villaflor said...

mom that is so cute and funny i can't bieleve you put that up there. don't tell olivia. sssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

Katrina said...

Great story! I love how kids relate the scriptures to their own lives. They really understand :)

Laura said...

You are exactly right. Kids are just intuitive and insightful. :) Of course they should do it just because we say so. Right??