Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Not So Priceless After All

So, really sad news on Friday. They people who had a contract on our house for the last 3 weeks backed out!!!! After 3 months of marriage they decided getting their marriage annulled was more important than buying our house. Gee!!! Everyone's so selfish these days!!!

So....our house is for sale again and our move to Carlisle is put off a little longer. I guess it will give me more time to get the new house ready. On the up side, we have already had 2 people call to see the house, so maybe it won't be long!!!

For those of you who haven't seen a picture of the new house, here it is...


Amy said...

Love the house. Love to have you here a little longer, but I am so sorry it fell through! That stinks so bad! xoxo

Annie said...

Jeri! That really stinks! Who gets their marriage annulled? Did they get married in vegas or something?

Jeri said...

I guess when you have only been married 3 months an annulment makes more sense than a divorce...I don't know!!! Not a divorce/annulment expert, thank goodness!!

Shuldberg Family said...

Why are you guys moving? Sorry about the sell falling through. Hopefully it will work out.