Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jeri!

On December 30, my family helped me celebrate a fantastic birthday. My mom and Dad came to Carlisle with my niece Madison and her boyfriend Seth. We just spent the day together talking and being together. We also went to lunch at Garret's Restaurant.

That night, my sweet husband (love you, Osias) and my cute girls made me dinner. We had a pizza pasta casserole, salad and garlic bread. Then a chocolate cake and ice cream....YUMMY! I also got great gifts...I love my new slippers.

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family. They are all so good to me and make me feel special everyday but especially on my birthday.


Annie said...

I feel like a heel because I forgot your birthday.

Nikki A. said...

It looks like you had an awesome birthday :) You're family is darling! I hope we get to see you sometime this summer.